Monday, March 5, 2012

Coffee Wisdom: Remain Flexible

i really do feel like i learn a lot from coffee.....from those quiet moments of absolute appreciation and affirmation of the joy it awakens, rather than just the perceived surrender to a bad habit.  if my coffee isn’t so good and strong and delicious that it makes me want to cry a little bit, i would rather do without it, and do.  not to say that i won’t go out of my way when i’m on the road to get a good cup of coffee....‘cause i will....but if it’s not available i have no desire to drink from a pot at the gas station.
this particular moment of wisdom came on a morning commute, like any other morning commute.  my ritual is to drink from my favorite cup in the world as much as possible, a yummy french press brew, and sometimes it makes it into the car with me if i haven’t finished it while getting myself ready.  and i like bringing my coffee in the car.  i feel like i’m drinking in the essence of the day around me with every sip, and when a good cd is in the player (or just good old silence) it can be really magical.  (every morning is, but it often goes unnoticed ;)
so, if one is to carry coffee in the car and not spill it all over themselves, you have to remain flexible.  you can’t hold that cup rigid and attempt to be stronger than the bumps in the highway.  you have to go with the flow, literally!  that is true strength.  the buildings that withstand earthquakes are the ones that can sway with the turbulence, not try to defy it.  
so be strong!  learn to bend and sway when it’s called for (you’ll know when it’s time to stand like a rock! ;) 


  1. Wise words indeed. I often try bending and swaying but at times feel only buffeted by the winds of life that blow us here and there at times not of our choosing. Thanks for a great reflection and thanks too, for not complaining about my coffee...Karen

    1. karen, my dear, you are an angel... and perhaps the hardest working one i know! i can't help but wish it could be easier; i do. (and i swear i'm not as obsessed with coffee as it may seem lately...this was written a few weeks ago and was the only thing i had "ready to go" for this week ;) thanks, thanks, and THANKS for EVERYTHING! :)
