Sometimes I feel like my life is one big game of stop and go. Maybe that's healthy to point, but what happens when there's too much stopping and not enough going? At the risk of repeating an analogy that makes a lot of sense to me, too much stopping is like pausing a song after every line to reflect on it, without allowing yourself the experience of hearing the song in its entirety.
It's important to have a balance, between adventure and reflection. If you're going, going, going all the time it's easy to miss the meaning of your experiences and what you've learned from them, because the next thing is already there. But, if you never allow for adventure you'll inevitably be stuck reflecting on a past that is well over by now.
I find myself spending so much time hesitating....just hesitating: second-guessing, rethinking, worrying about the potential worst outcomes of things I put out into the world (and often jumping ship when I find a strong dislike of the worst worst one!). Some things should be well thought out, absolutely, and others (like that funny post you're making on facebook)....well, just don't need to take up that much time and energy.
We all want to have an effect on the world, but in general we want it to be positive. With exceptions, of course, no one wants to say or do anything that leaves a negative impression, and we definitely want to leave a good first one. Some of us are far more cautious than others when it comes to that, and the fear can leave some people paralyzed, never actually gaining the confidence to make any impression at all.
Life is ever flowing, and it's a much more pleasant experience if we let ourselves flow with it. It's good to take time to rest and reflect, but usually we can get away with coasting for a bit when we need to, rather than slamming on the brakes and shutting the whole thing down 'til we know exactly what we're doing again.
I don't know about you, but I rarely know exactly what I'm doing.....though usually there's some kind of light on the horizon, towards which my heart knows to aim my feet.
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